One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Degree

Why Pursue an 在线 AGACNP Degree at Cedarville?


锡达维尔的基督教MSN或DNP成人老年急症护理护士执业浓度将准备你提供照顾年轻人, 成人, and elderly patients who are experiencing an acute, 复杂的, or critical condition such as a heart attack, 中风, or traumatic brain injury. As a highly-trained provider, 你们还将具备护理糖尿病等慢性疾病加重患者的能力, 哮喘, or congestive heart failure. As an 成人-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner, 你会在人们最需要福音的时候,把福音的光照耀给他们.

Whether you are pursuing your MSN or DNP, 负担得起的, 认证, 和在线成人-老年急症护理护士执业计划将装备你使用护理作为基督的事工, 作为一名高级实习护士,圣经整合课程将影响你提供的护理.

请求的信息 时间表 an Appointment

$5,000 Scholarship Offer

A limited number of $5,现为有经济需要的新护理研究生提供10,000奖学金. 马上申请 to see if you qualify!


U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 将锡达维尔大学的在线研究生护理课程列为全国前100名,俄亥俄州前5名.

有关我们的MSN和DNP学位课程的更多信息,请访问我们的 见解的博客 where you can read interesting posts like 平衡工作、家庭和研究生学业:基督教护士的5条原则.

What Sets Cedarville Apart?

  • 圣经的世界观

    All courses are built on the solid foundation of Scripture.
  • 先进的实践

  • 在线

    All MSN and DNP courses are offered in an online format, with flexible part-time and full-time completion options.


AGACNP Program Highlights

方便 — All MSN and DNP courses are offered in an online format. 四项必要的校内经历包括在开始成人-老年急症护理护士执业者临床专业课程之前的临床指导和在临床的每个学期 专业课程.

灵活的 — Both part-time and full-time completion options are available.

Outstanding Christian Faculty -您将由具有高学历和临床经验的教师教授和指导. They are passionate about helping you use nursing as a ministry.

负担得起的 -锡达维尔的MSN成人-老年急症护理执业护士项目是俄亥俄州所有研究生执业护士项目中成本最低的, while the DNP program also offers outstanding value. Financial aid, including scholarships, is available.

What Can You Do With an AGACNP Degree?

成人-老年急症护理执业护士(AGACNP)课程将培训您诊断和治疗急性或复杂疾病以及慢性疾病恶化的患者. AGACNP课程将帮助你成为一名高级执业注册护士(APRN)。. You will be trained to perform physical examinations, develop clinical diagnoses, and develop an appropriate treatment plan for the patient’s condition. 您还将接受一系列侵入性手术的培训,如插管和放置中央静脉导管和胸腔引流管.

你将能够在一系列的实践环境中找到工作,如重症监护病房和急诊科, 以及住院和门诊专科设置,包括神经病学, 心脏病学, and internal medicine.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom


You will participate in four required 2–3-day on-campus experiences, 其中包括面对面的教学材料和使用我们最先进的模拟体验, high- and low-fidelity simulators. 作为其中的一部分 模拟, faculty will guide you through clinical decision-making, gaining advanced practice nursing skills and competencies.

Admission, Costs and Aid, Start Dates

Admission Requirements -在Cedarville的研究生院之旅的第一步是申请入学.

MSN Admission Requirements DNP Admission Requirements

Costs and Financial Aid — Your decision to pursue quality, 基督教研究生教育代表了你的职业生涯和专业发展的宝贵投资. To assure your degree is also affordable, 沙巴体育的研究生课程价格具有竞争力,并且可以通过各种经济援助来补充.

MSN Cost Information DNP Cost Information

课程开始日期 -您可以在8月、10月、1月、3月、5月或6月注册并开始上课.



  • Biblical Basis for Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Applied Scholarship in Advanced Nursing Practice
  • Acute Care Concepts and Practice I, II, and III


You will complete 12 graduate nursing core semester hours, 9 direct care core hours, 2 applied scholarship core hours, 以及22小时的成人-老年急症护理护士专业课程.


BSN-to-DNP — You will complete 23 graduate nursing core semester hours, 31–35 DNP core hours, and 22 hours of Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner courses.

MSN-to-DNP — You will complete 14 graduate nursing core semester hours, 31–35 DNP core hours, and 22 hours of Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner courses.

Program Format and 相关的项目

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.


View thumbnail for Mother and Daughter Share MSN Experience

Mother and Daughter Share MSN Experience

一对母女分享了沙巴体育的MSN课程是如何为她们的未来做好准备的, and it's even better because they're doing it together!

View thumbnail for Stewarding Your Gifts With a 研究生 Degree

Stewarding Your Gifts With a 研究生 Degree

Listen as Cedarville's president, Dr. 托马斯•白, 讨论我们的研究生课程如何帮助你管理你的上帝赐予的才能为他的荣耀.

View thumbnail for Family Nurse Practitioner Program

Family Nurse Practitioner Program

听一名MSN FNP学生解释沙巴体育的支持性教师是如何让她成为一名高级实习护士的.



Learn About Career Services


Photo of Jason Grimm

Jason Grimm, DNP, MS, MBA, APRN-CNP





Director of 研究生 Recruiting - Nursing and Ministry Programs


Photo of 金正日Higginbotham

金正日Higginbotham, DNP, APRN, CPNP-PC, PMHS

Associate Professor of Nursing

