One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the Creative Writing Minor

Why Study Creative Writing at Cedarville?

With our introductory emphasis on studying the basics of literary writing from a thoroughly Christian perspective, followed by our highly individualized advanced sequence tailored for your own next step, there really is nothing else like Cedarville's creative writing program.

The art of storytelling and 诗歌 are inherent to life, important as bread and water. And the hunger to write, and write well, is a calling worth exploring. Cedarville University’s program in Creative Writing — with tracks in 诗歌, fiction, and creative nonfiction — is unique among programs due to its program structure and individualized outcomes.

Our program represents a body of emerging Christian writers working in a variety of genres, and hosts special assemblies, 经常阅读, clubs and lit journals, guest speakers and authors, and even an annual whitewater rafting trip. Whatever your major or interest, there is a place for you in the Creative Writing program. We invite you to come test the waters, 参观课程, contact a faculty member, and explore the life of a working artist in the body of Christ.

Many undergraduate writing programs require students to major in 英语 or creative writing to get the full depth of course offerings. While we may have 英语 majors in the program, our creative writing courses are housed in a 21-hour academic minor, so students can satisfy a desire to write while also working on a major in any other field. Our Creative Writing minors have majored in programs as broad ranging as nursing, 刑事司法, 圣经研究, molecular and cellular biology, 和教育.

Consider These Majors — Interested in the creative writing minor? Complement it with one of the following majors:

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Program Curriculum

This minor requires 21 semester hours of coursework including fiction, 诗歌, and nonfiction writing.

Individualized 结果 — While many writing programs focus solely on literary writing — which we love to study here, too — Cedarville’s program culminates in an advanced, 持续一年的, course sequence designed to carry individual students toward individual goals.

  • Want to apply to top graduate writing programs? You will leave the advanced sequence with a highly polished and competitive application package ready to go.
  • Want to publish that fantasy novel? You will leave the advanced sequence with a thoroughly workshopped manuscript, as well as prepared submission package ready to query genre-appropriate agents or presses.
  • What about a book of illustrated children's 诗歌? You will leave the advanced sequence having paired up with an artist or designer (or having studied drawing yourself) to arrive at a completed compilation of poems and prints.
  • How about nonfiction, outdoor adventure writing or a groundbreaking memoir? The advanced sequence awaits you too.


  • Fiction, Poetry, and Nonfiction Workshops
  • Advanced Workshops

Program Format and 相关的项目

Cedarville offers both graduate and undergraduate programs, with flexible completion options. You may also want to consider these related programs as you consider the degree or program that is a best fit for you.