One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the PharmD + MBA

Why Pursue a PharmD and MBA at Cedarville?

如果你是一名药学博士学生,希望提高你的商业和领导技能, 独特的药学博士+ MBA课程将为您在各种制药环境中脱颖而出做好准备. 今天的药剂师越来越多地在医疗保健系统中发挥领导作用, 药学博士+工商管理硕士将装备你成为一名药剂师,有效地和道德地领导基督的荣耀. 你会发展实用的技能,同时使基督徒的专业联系将持续一生.

Through the collaboration of Cedarville's School of Pharmacy and Robert W. 石膏商学院的药学博士+ MBA课程可以让你获得在线学位 Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree while completing your Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) on campus.

Typically, 您将在药学博士课程第一学年的春季学期申请MBA课程. After successful admission, 你将在第二学年开始在线MBA课程,并在完成药学博士学位后完成最后的MBA课程.

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What Sets Cedarville Apart?

  • Distinct Mission

    Cedarville prepares competent professionals who bring a compassionate, biblical perspective to their profession.
  • Critical Need

  • Proven Results


Program Overview

PharmD/MBA Highlights

Biblical - Cedarville对圣经权威的承诺是讨论医学伦理的基础, the sanctity of life, origins, and the balanced integration of faith and learning. As a result, you will be equipped to influence your profession and culture for Christ. 您还将通过强调个人标准卓越的圣经镜头学习商业, stewardship of God-given talents and resources, leadership with a servant’s heart, and kingdom influence through serving others.

Cost Effective — Your PharmD courses will satisfy up to one-third of the MBA coursework, reducing the time — and cost — it will take to complete the MBA. portion of your dual degree.

Employability — By adding an MBA to your PharmD degree, 您将具备在各种药房设置的管理角色.

Online, convenient MBA -您可以在方便的七周课程中完全在线完成MBA课程.

What Can You Do With a PharmD/MBA?

With a PharmD + MBA, 您将具备在制药领域管理或创业机会的商业技能, including:

  • Chain Pharmacy Management
  • Community Pharmacy Ownership
  • Hospital Pharmacy Administration

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom

Experiential Learning — As a PharmD student, 在专业项目的第一年,你将成为俄亥俄州有执照的实习生(你也可以选择在另一个州获得执照)。. This will allow you to work in

在你的药学博士课程期间,各种药店和卫生系统/医院. You will complete experiential training throughout the entire curriculum.

Professional Organizations -您将能够参加专业组织,并在某些情况下担任州或国家一级的领导角色.

Research -与教师顾问合作,您可以选择进行前沿研究.

Outreach -你可以参加短期医疗任务旅行,或在当地药房或诊所工作,为缺医少药的人群提供服务.

Hands-on MBA -课程是为在线环境设计的,但包括实际案例研究, projects chosen by the student, simulation games, and personal development.

Admission, Costs and Aid, Start Dates

Admission Requirements -在Cedarville的研究生学习之旅的第一步是通过PharmCAS申请入学.

PharmD Admission Requirements MBA Admission Requirements

Costs and Financial Aid — Your decision to pursue quality, 基督教研究生教育代表了你的职业生涯和专业发展的宝贵投资. To assure your degree is also affordable, 沙巴体育的研究生课程价格具有竞争力,并且可以通过各种经济援助来补充.

PharmD Cost Information MBA Cost Information

Program Start Dates — You can enroll in the PharmD program and begin classes in August. MBA课程在8月、10月、1月、3月、5月和7月开学. Most PharmD + MBA students begin their MBA coursework in the summer following the P1 Year.

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Center for Pharmacy Innovation




Master of Business Administration


Program Curriculum

Your four-year PharmD  professional curriculum was 旨在满足最新的认证标准,包括当代药学主题. 它采用模块化方法,让您逐步掌握课程内容. Coupled with a class schedule that facilitates extensive practical experience and small-group learning with faculty mentors, 这种教育经历为你作为药剂师的职业生涯提供了特殊的准备. For your MBA, 你将学习九门核心课程——其中三门是药学博士课程的一部分——以及三门选修课程.

Sample courses:

  • Applied Leadership
  • Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences 1–6

Program Format and Related Programs

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Program Level and Format

  • Graduate
Woman holding child talking to a pharmacist wearing a white lab coat.

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Program Contacts

Photo of Jeffrey A. Bates

Jeffrey A. Bates, PharmD, BS Pharm, FMPA

Dean and Professor of Pharmacy Practice


Photo of John Delano

John Delano, PhD

Associate Dean, Robert W. Plaster School of Business; Professor of Information Technology Management


Photo of Gayle Wilken

Gayle Wilken

Director of Graduate Recruitment - Healthcare Programs


Program News